Paper Menagerie

my collection of origami and papercraft projects

Monday, August 09, 2004

takin the Good with The Bad... eh its a part of Learnin I guess;-(

Andre and I got some books from the library, and every once in a while, we sit and do some together.
There looked to be a nice looking, not so difficult book; so I picked it up to try and make some of them. But the diagrams are HORRIBLE. They try and show you through what it would actually look like if you were to do it; unlike most diagrams that use more of a photoshop like diagram... its hard to explain. But trust me, it sux.
Not only do they not use the traditional origami terminology throughout most of the book in some parts they do and its like out of nowhere... because the terminology hasn't really been explained if at all!

ex: some directions:

2. Fold the short edges in to the center, crease firmly and unfold. 3. Inside reverse fold these two flaps. -Super Quick Origami Animals by Nick Robinson

But it also seems like they skip steps (like telling you to turn the paper over or which way to turn it)... making it even more confuseing in some areas, because you practically have to guess at what to do next.
This book looked pretty, but beware of ones like it... i doubt that most beguinners would be able to figure it out.


I'm going to the art supply store here in town to get some real origami paper later this week with Anj, and then to the book store to see if i can get some better books there. I'll keep you posted as to what ones are actually decent...
Until then, I leave you with a few links that I started learning on:

and they have done some AMAZING things with origami here (theres also a "University" on there that will teach some basic folds and show some basic techniques... very helpful and fairly easy to understand)


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